Reiki Sessions Offered

$50 for ALL sessions

1 - Chakra Clearing - Starting at the Crown Chakra, to open up the energy channel. Moving down to the feet, to ground and connect to the earth energy. Continue up from the Root Chakra to the 6th Chakra. 1 hour.

2 - Pendulum Chakra Clearing and Balancing - Utilizing an energized pendulum, I will go through the entire body, clearing each chakra. Once chakras are clear, an intention of healing goals will be set using energized stones and crystals, and they will be utilized in balancing the chakras. 1 hour.

3 - Body Scanning - Starting at the Crown Chakra, to open up the energy channel. Moving down to the feet, to ground and connect to the earth energy. Then working up one side of the body and down the other finding specific area that need more focused energy work. 1 hour .

4 - Specific Needs Requested - Starting at the Crown Chakra, to open up the energy channel. Moving down to the feet, to ground and connect to the earth energy. Then focusing the Healing Energy on the area’s of concern. 30 minutes for 1 area, add 10 minutes/concern. Max 1 hr.

5 - Reiki for Children 0-16 years - This session will depend on the age of the child and the reasons for the visit . 1-6 years will be play based and 6+ will be on the table. Parent needs to be present. 30 - 45 minutes.

6 - Distance Reiki - This is a great way to receive reiki if you are unable to be in my studio. Reiki can be sent anywhere, and in this service I will send you healing energy for your specific needs wherever you find yourself. 45min.

7 - Space clearing / energizing - ($80) - I will come to your desired space to clear previous energies and energize the space with positive reiki energy.