More about Rita


Rita Thomasberg

Reiki Master Practitioner

“Conduit of Love”

I am a firm believer in ‘nothing is coincidental’. The crossing of paths and the people you meet, right down to the things that happen around you, are part of the grand plan.

Everything has energy, living or otherwise, good or bad. It is everywhere, inside and outside of us all.

I have been interested in and have studied alternative forms of healing since I was 18, including homeopathy, herbal remedies, and naturopathic medicine. Throughout the years, I have incorporated these forms of healing with my own family, and have more recently begun to share my knowledge with others. I never thought much of being a “healer”, as I have been working with children for the last 25 years, and always put it down to that. I now know different. Reiki crossed my path and came to rest.

I began taking Reiki classes at Sol Alchemy in 2017 to begin expanding my knowledge of another form of healing. I also have taken classes to deepen my knowledge in Reflexology and Herbal studies at COCC. I found Reiki had an amazing self healing effect on a deeper level than I had ever experienced. My husband calls it “Conduit for Love” and that is exactly what I feel when I treat people. Energy is endless and can be channeled in close proximity, or even from across the world.

That is my mission! Please join me in helping make the world a better place by increasing our vibration of love and peace.